TooN 2.1
00001 // -*- c++ -*-
00003 // Copyright (C) 2005,2009 Tom Drummond (,
00004 // Ed Rosten (, Gerhard Reitmayr (
00005 //
00006 // This file is part of the TooN Library.  This library is free
00007 // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
00008 // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
00009 // Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00010 // any later version.
00012 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00013 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00015 // GNU General Public License for more details.
00017 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00018 // with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
00019 // Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
00020 // USA.
00022 // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
00023 // library without restriction.  Specifically, if other files instantiate
00024 // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
00025 // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
00026 // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
00027 // the GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however
00028 // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
00029 // the GNU General Public License.
00031 /* This code mostly made by copying from se3.h !! */
00033 #ifndef TOON_INCLUDE_SE2_H
00034 #define TOON_INCLUDE_SE2_H
00036 #include <TooN/so2.h>
00039 namespace TooN {
00041 /// Represent a two-dimensional Euclidean transformation (a rotation and a translation). 
00042 /// This can be represented by a \f$2\times 3\f$ matrix operating on a homogeneous co-ordinate, 
00043 /// so that a vector \f$\underline{x}\f$ is transformed to a new location \f$\underline{x}'\f$
00044 /// by
00045 /// \f[\begin{aligned}\underline{x}' &= E\times\underline{x}\\ \begin{bmatrix}x'\\y'\end{bmatrix} &= \begin{pmatrix}r_{11} & r_{12} & t_1\\r_{21} & r_{22} & t_2\end{pmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}x\\y\\1\end{bmatrix}\end{aligned}\f]
00046 /// 
00047 /// This transformation is a member of the Special Euclidean Lie group SE2. These can be parameterised with
00048 /// three numbers (in the space of the Lie Algebra). In this class, the first two parameters are a
00049 /// translation vector while the third is the amount of rotation in the plane as for SO2.
00050 /// @ingroup gTransforms
00051 template <typename Precision = DefaultPrecision>
00052 class SE2 {
00053 public:
00054     /// Default constructor. Initialises the the rotation to zero (the identity) and the translation to zero
00055     SE2() : my_translation(Zeros) {}
00056     template <class A> SE2(const SO2<Precision>& R, const Vector<2,Precision,A>& T) : my_rotation(R), my_translation(T) {}
00057     template <int S, class P, class A> SE2(const Vector<S, P, A> & v) { *this = exp(v); }
00059     /// Returns the rotation part of the transformation as a SO2
00060     SO2<Precision> & get_rotation(){return my_rotation;}
00061     /// @overload
00062     const SO2<Precision> & get_rotation() const {return my_rotation;}
00063     /// Returns the translation part of the transformation as a Vector
00064     Vector<2, Precision> & get_translation() {return my_translation;}
00065     /// @overload
00066     const Vector<2, Precision> & get_translation() const {return my_translation;}
00068     /// Exponentiate a Vector in the Lie Algebra to generate a new SE2.
00069     /// See the Detailed Description for details of this vector.
00070     /// @param vect The Vector to exponentiate
00071     template <int S, typename P, typename A>
00072     static inline SE2 exp(const Vector<S,P, A>& vect);
00074     /// Take the logarithm of the matrix, generating the corresponding vector in the Lie Algebra.
00075     /// See the Detailed Description for details of this vector.
00076     static inline Vector<3, Precision> ln(const SE2& se2);
00077     /// @overload
00078     Vector<3, Precision> ln() const { return SE2::ln(*this); }
00080     /// compute the inverse of the transformation
00081     SE2 inverse() const {
00082         const SO2<Precision> & rinv = my_rotation.inverse();
00083         return SE2(rinv, -(rinv*my_translation));
00084     };
00086     /// Right-multiply by another SE2 (concatenate the two transformations)
00087     /// @param rhs The multipier
00088     template <typename P>
00089     SE2<typename Internal::MultiplyType<Precision,P>::type> operator *(const SE2<P>& rhs) const { 
00090         return SE2<typename Internal::MultiplyType<Precision,P>::type>(my_rotation*rhs.get_rotation(), my_translation + my_rotation*rhs.get_translation()); 
00091     }
00093     /// Self right-multiply by another SE2 (concatenate the two transformations)
00094     /// @param rhs The multipier
00095     template <typename P>
00096     inline SE2& operator *=(const SE2<P>& rhs) { 
00097         *this = *this * rhs; 
00098         return *this; 
00099     }
00101     /// returns the generators for the Lie group. These are a set of matrices that
00102     /// form a basis for the vector space of the Lie algebra.
00103     /// - 0 is translation in x
00104     /// - 1 is translation in y
00105     /// - 2 is rotation in the plane
00106     static inline Matrix<3,3, Precision> generator(int i) {
00107         Matrix<3,3,Precision> result(Zeros);
00108         if(i < 2){
00109             result[i][2] = 1;
00110             return result;
00111         }
00112         result[0][1] = -1;
00113         result[1][0] = 1;
00114         return result;
00115     }
00117     /// transfers a vector in the Lie algebra, from one coord frame to another
00118     /// so that exp(adjoint(vect)) = (*this) * exp(vect) * (this->inverse())
00119     template<typename Accessor>
00120     Vector<3, Precision> adjoint(const Vector<3,Precision, Accessor> & vect) const {
00121         Vector<3, Precision> result;
00122         result[2] = vect[2];
00123         result.template slice<0,2>() = my_rotation * vect.template slice<0,2>();
00124         result[0] += vect[2] * my_translation[1];
00125         result[1] -= vect[2] * my_translation[0];
00126         return result;
00127     }
00129     template <typename Accessor>
00130     Matrix<3,3,Precision> adjoint(const Matrix<3,3,Precision,Accessor>& M) const {
00131         Matrix<3,3,Precision> result;
00132         for(int i=0; i<3; ++i)
00133             result.T()[i] = adjoint(M.T()[i]);
00134         for(int i=0; i<3; ++i)
00135             result[i] = adjoint(result[i]);
00136         return result;
00137     }
00139 private:
00140     SO2<Precision> my_rotation;
00141     Vector<2, Precision> my_translation;
00142 };
00144 /// Write an SE2 to a stream 
00145 /// @relates SE2
00146 template <class Precision>
00147 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SE2<Precision> & rhs){
00148     std::streamsize fw = os.width();
00149     for(int i=0; i<2; i++){
00150         os.width(fw);
00151         os << rhs.get_rotation().get_matrix()[i];
00152         os.width(fw);
00153         os << rhs.get_translation()[i] << '\n';
00154     }
00155     return os;
00156 }
00158 /// Read an SE2 from a stream 
00159 /// @relates SE2
00160 template <class Precision>
00161 inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, SE2<Precision>& rhs){
00162     for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
00163         is >> rhs.get_rotation().my_matrix[i].ref() >> rhs.get_translation()[i];
00164     rhs.get_rotation().coerce();
00165     return is;
00166 }
00169 //////////////////
00170 // operator *   //
00171 // SE2 * Vector //
00172 //////////////////
00174 namespace Internal {
00175 template<int S, typename P, typename PV, typename A>
00176 struct SE2VMult;
00177 }
00179 template<int S, typename P, typename PV, typename A>
00180 struct Operator<Internal::SE2VMult<S,P,PV,A> > {
00181     const SE2<P> & lhs;
00182     const Vector<S,PV,A> & rhs;
00184     Operator(const SE2<P> & l, const Vector<S,PV,A> & r ) : lhs(l), rhs(r) {}
00186     template <int S0, typename P0, typename A0>
00187     void eval(Vector<S0, P0, A0> & res ) const {
00188         SizeMismatch<3,S>::test(3, rhs.size());
00189         res.template slice<0,2>()=lhs.get_rotation()*rhs.template slice<0,2>();
00190         res.template slice<0,2>()+=lhs.get_translation() * rhs[2];
00191         res[2] = rhs[2];
00192     }
00193     int size() const { return 3; }
00194 };
00196 /// Right-multiply with a Vector<3>
00197 /// @relates SE2
00198 template<int S, typename P, typename PV, typename A>
00199 inline Vector<3, typename Internal::MultiplyType<P,PV>::type> operator*(const SE2<P> & lhs, const Vector<S,PV,A>& rhs){
00200     return Vector<3, typename Internal::MultiplyType<P,PV>::type>(Operator<Internal::SE2VMult<S,P,PV,A> >(lhs,rhs));
00201 }
00203 /// Right-multiply with a Vector<2> (special case, extended to be a homogeneous vector)
00204 /// @relates SE2
00205 template <typename P, typename PV, typename A>
00206 inline Vector<2, typename Internal::MultiplyType<P,PV>::type> operator*(const SE2<P>& lhs, const Vector<2,PV,A>& rhs){
00207     return lhs.get_translation() + lhs.get_rotation() * rhs;
00208 }
00210 //////////////////
00211 // operator *   //
00212 // Vector * SE2 //
00213 //////////////////
00215 namespace Internal {
00216 template<int S, typename P, typename PV, typename A>
00217 struct VSE2Mult;
00218 }
00220 template<int S, typename P, typename PV, typename A>
00221 struct Operator<Internal::VSE2Mult<S,P,PV,A> > {
00222     const Vector<S,PV,A> & lhs;
00223     const SE2<P> & rhs;
00225     Operator(const Vector<S,PV,A> & l, const SE2<P> & r ) : lhs(l), rhs(r) {}
00227     template <int S0, typename P0, typename A0>
00228     void eval(Vector<S0, P0, A0> & res ) const {
00229         SizeMismatch<3,S>::test(3, lhs.size());
00230         res.template slice<0,2>() = lhs.template slice<0,2>()*rhs.get_rotation();
00231         res[2] = lhs[2];
00232         res[2] += lhs.template slice<0,2>() * rhs.get_translation();
00233     }
00234     int size() const { return 3; }
00235 };
00237 /// Left-multiply with a Vector<3>
00238 /// @relates SE2
00239 template<int S, typename P, typename PV, typename A>
00240 inline Vector<3, typename Internal::MultiplyType<PV,P>::type> operator*(const Vector<S,PV,A>& lhs, const SE2<P> & rhs){
00241     return Vector<3, typename Internal::MultiplyType<PV,P>::type>(Operator<Internal::VSE2Mult<S, P,PV,A> >(lhs,rhs));
00242 }
00244 //////////////////
00245 // operator *   //
00246 // SE2 * Matrix //
00247 //////////////////
00249 namespace Internal {
00250 template <int R, int C, typename PM, typename A, typename P>
00251 struct SE2MMult;
00252 }
00254 template<int R, int Cols, typename PM, typename A, typename P>
00255 struct Operator<Internal::SE2MMult<R, Cols, PM, A, P> > {
00256     const SE2<P> & lhs;
00257     const Matrix<R,Cols,PM,A> & rhs;
00259     Operator(const SE2<P> & l, const Matrix<R,Cols,PM,A> & r ) : lhs(l), rhs(r) {}
00261     template <int R0, int C0, typename P0, typename A0>
00262     void eval(Matrix<R0, C0, P0, A0> & res ) const {
00263         SizeMismatch<3,R>::test(3, rhs.num_rows());
00264         for(int i=0; i<rhs.num_cols(); ++i)
00265             res.T()[i] = lhs * rhs.T()[i];
00266     }
00267     int num_cols() const { return rhs.num_cols(); }
00268     int num_rows() const { return 3; }
00269 };
00271 /// Right-multiply with a Matrix<3>
00272 /// @relates SE2
00273 template <int R, int Cols, typename PM, typename A, typename P> 
00274 inline Matrix<3,Cols, typename Internal::MultiplyType<P,PM>::type> operator*(const SE2<P> & lhs, const Matrix<R,Cols,PM, A>& rhs){
00275     return Matrix<3,Cols,typename Internal::MultiplyType<P,PM>::type>(Operator<Internal::SE2MMult<R, Cols, PM, A, P> >(lhs,rhs));
00276 }
00278 //////////////////
00279 // operator *   //
00280 // Matrix * SE2 //
00281 //////////////////
00283 namespace Internal {
00284 template <int Rows, int C, typename PM, typename A, typename P>
00285 struct MSE2Mult;
00286 }
00288 template<int Rows, int C, typename PM, typename A, typename P>
00289 struct Operator<Internal::MSE2Mult<Rows, C, PM, A, P> > {
00290     const Matrix<Rows,C,PM,A> & lhs;
00291     const SE2<P> & rhs;
00293     Operator( const Matrix<Rows,C,PM,A> & l, const SE2<P> & r ) : lhs(l), rhs(r) {}
00295     template <int R0, int C0, typename P0, typename A0>
00296     void eval(Matrix<R0, C0, P0, A0> & res ) const {
00297         SizeMismatch<3, C>::test(3, lhs.num_cols());
00298         for(int i=0; i<lhs.num_rows(); ++i)
00299             res[i] = lhs[i] * rhs;
00300     }
00301     int num_cols() const { return 3; }
00302     int num_rows() const { return lhs.num_rows(); }
00303 };
00305 /// Left-multiply with a Matrix<3>
00306 /// @relates SE2
00307 template <int Rows, int C, typename PM, typename A, typename P> 
00308 inline Matrix<Rows,3, typename Internal::MultiplyType<PM,P>::type> operator*(const Matrix<Rows,C,PM, A>& lhs, const SE2<P> & rhs ){
00309     return Matrix<Rows,3,typename Internal::MultiplyType<PM,P>::type>(Operator<Internal::MSE2Mult<Rows, C, PM, A, P> >(lhs,rhs));
00310 }
00312 template <typename Precision>
00313 template <int S, typename PV, typename Accessor>
00314 inline SE2<Precision> SE2<Precision>::exp(const Vector<S, PV, Accessor>& mu)
00315 {
00316     SizeMismatch<3,S>::test(3, mu.size());
00318     static const Precision one_6th = 1.0/6.0;
00319     static const Precision one_20th = 1.0/20.0;
00321     SE2<Precision> result;
00323     const Precision theta = mu[2];
00324     const Precision theta_sq = theta * theta;
00326     const Vector<2, Precision> cross = makeVector( -theta * mu[1], theta * mu[0]);
00327     result.get_rotation() = SO2<Precision>::exp(theta);
00329     if (theta_sq < 1e-8){
00330         result.get_translation() = mu.template slice<0,2>() + 0.5 * cross;
00331     } else {
00332         Precision A, B;
00333         if (theta_sq < 1e-6) {
00334             A = 1.0 - theta_sq * one_6th*(1.0 - one_20th * theta_sq);
00335             B = 0.5 - 0.25 * one_6th * theta_sq;
00336         } else {
00337             const Precision inv_theta = (1.0/theta);
00338             const Precision sine = result.my_rotation.get_matrix()[1][0];
00339             const Precision cosine = result.my_rotation.get_matrix()[0][0];
00340             A = sine * inv_theta;
00341             B = (1 - cosine) * (inv_theta * inv_theta);
00342         }
00343         result.get_translation() = TooN::operator*(A,mu.template slice<0,2>()) + TooN::operator*(B,cross);
00344     }
00345     return result;
00346 }
00348 template <typename Precision>
00349 inline Vector<3, Precision> SE2<Precision>::ln(const SE2<Precision> & se2) {
00350     const Precision theta = se2.get_rotation().ln();
00352     Precision shtot = 0.5;  
00353     if(fabs(theta) > 0.00001)
00354         shtot = sin(theta/2)/theta;
00356     const SO2<Precision> halfrotator(theta * -0.5);
00357     Vector<3, Precision> result;
00358     result.template slice<0,2>() = (halfrotator * se2.get_translation())/(2 * shtot);
00359     result[2] = theta;
00360     return result;
00361 }
00363 /// Multiply a SO2 with and SE2
00364 /// @relates SE2
00365 /// @relates SO2
00366 template <typename Precision>
00367 inline SE2<Precision> operator*(const SO2<Precision> & lhs, const SE2<Precision>& rhs){
00368     return SE2<Precision>( lhs*rhs.get_rotation(), lhs*rhs.get_translation());
00369 }
00371 }
00372 #endif